A new take on an old classic, Interstellar Invasion! is a modern day Space Invaders
20 levels of frantic action ensue as you attempt to thwart yet another invasion from outer space!
This was my first attempt at writing a game for the PC. After researching, I decided to use C++ and the Allegro graphics library.
For the sprites I created 3D models in a program called Zbrush and mapped them to 2D images.
The background images are shamelessly stolen from the internet using Google image search :)
Music came, again courtesy of the internet, from a useful site that has loads of MIDI files from older console games and arcade machines. (see useful links)
The game has been tested on both Windows XP and Windows Vista and runs with no known problems, however it is still officially in beta form, so any feedback would be helpful!
[Downloads page]